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Day In The Park 2012
Aug 17, 2013 - Jake, KD5JHW
Here are some pictures from WARS participation in the 2012 ARRL Day in the Park. Fiberglass antenna poles leaning against the table. We ended up not using them, just the backpack antenna.Wind from the blue side mostly, rain coming through the roof back there, but tarps blocked the splatter. Clayton Knapp KA9CPB came out for lunch and loaned us another tarp which we put to good use when the wind changed direction.
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Jun 28, 2013 - Jake, KD5JHW
Apparently Heathkit isn’t quite done yet. I thought they had gone the way of the $45.00 suit but a note on their “home page” and a “customer survey” be found at suggests otherwise. But be warned, 1) it is a pretty long survey and b) it will “time out” on you if you leave it for a re-heat of your coffee and maybe just one more donut from the office next door. (Yes, I intended to switch from numbering to lettering.) But really, use the save function if you are headed down the hall to the bathroom. I had a really clever survey almost totally finished; complete with whiney plea for a job interview and when I returned from a momentary distraction by my boring day job, it was gone.
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Dinner Meeting 2012
Nov 09, 2012 - Jake, KD5JHW
It is the tradition of WARS to assemble the November member’s meeting at a restaurant in honor of Thanksgiving. This year the meeting will be held at 6:30 pm on November 15 inside Golden Coral on Kemp St. WARS members and non-members as well as non-hams are warmly invited to attend. The November meeting is always a great way to enjoy the company of other hams while enjoying good food. Don’t miss this year’s dinner meeting!
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Day In The Park
Sep 24, 2012 - Jake, KD5JHW
We will be having an informal day in the park on Saturday, Sept. 29th from 9:00 am till 3:30pm weather permitting. I have reserved the Weeks Park Pavilion on Southwest Parkway for that time period, and have called for potluck snacks and for people to bring lawn chairs. It is come and go, there is no meal or schedule of events, other than the fact that we plan to set up a few radios and try to make some contacts and also have the opportunity to sit and visit. We invite any hams to come out and set up their equipment also since it is good to practice several times a year and work out any bugs in an informal setting. Anyone who listens to Ham activity on scanners, or anyone interested in becoming a Ham or just curious about Amateur Radio is welcome to come out and see what it is all about. We may even get a few non-Hams on the air!
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WARS Mobile
Mar 31, 2012 - Jake, KD5JHW
The website is now available in a mobile friendly version! All of the features you use on the full version are still here, but in a fast, mobile friendly format. Mobile users will still be able to view an interactive map to the meeting location, get up to date news about the club, and view the Skywave archive in the Member's Area.
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Password Reset
Mar 20, 2012 - Jake, KD5JHW
A new feature has been recently introduced on the website that will allow Members to reset their own passwords. If you have forgotten your password, simply navigate to the Member's Logon page and choose "Reset Password" underneath the "Submit" button. This will take you to a page where you will be asked to verify your username and verify that you are a real person. A new password will be generated and sent to you via the e-mail address you put on your membership application. You can then use that password to logon and you will be automatically asked to set your own password.
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